2023 Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition

In 2023, IONS hosted the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition in partnership with United Way Halifax, the Bhayana Family Foundation and the Government of Nova Scotia.  

The theme for the gathering was “Below the Surface: Celebrating the Depth of Impact,” recognized the influence of our work which reaches every corner of Nova Scotia. Our goal was to surface the essential role that impact organizations play in innovating this province, pushing for change, and improving collective quality of life. 

We asked “what if the Community Impact (Nonprofit) Sector didn’t exist?” Programs and services are just the tip of the iceberg. The sector’s role includes trust-building and strengthening social ties, important advocacy efforts, therapeutic and wellness supports through arts and recreation, and giving people the connections and experiences to be able to tap into their whole selves. 

The event featured a morning of tailored learning workshops – “Co-creation and the Story of Us” with Sarah Joynt-Bowe, and “Sharing our Stories – and delivering great media interviews” with Jane Taber from NATIONAL Public Relations.  

We were honored to have CBC’s Portia Clarke host the afternoon of celebration, which included great local performers, speeches, presentation of the Official Proclamation for the Day of Recognition, and celebrating the 20 “Invisible Champion” Award recipients, sponsored by the Bhayana Family Foundation. Local performers included SHiFT FROM THA 902, Circle in the Square Drum Ensemble, and the recitation of an original poem for the event by El Jones.  

At a Glance

This graphic recording was created by Bria Miller (they/she) and encapsulates the day with key themes and moments of inspiration from the event. Bria is a multidisciplinary visual artist, graphic facilitator, graphic designer and small business owner of Bria Makes Things. Born + raised in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, they have been living, working and creating within Kjipuktuk (Halifax) since 2011. 

Click the image to download or view the high resolution version!

We had Mirror Image media on site to help visualize the hopes, dreams, and feelings of the sector. They held interviews with attendees and created this inspiring video focusing on what people working in the sector wishes were more visible to those beyond.