About Exchange

Exchange is a gathering hosted by Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia. The gathering is organized for people who work and volunteer in Nova Scotia’s Community Impact Sector – to come together, share knowledge, celebrate, and build connections for stronger organizations and people.  

This event provides a space to get refreshed and recharged through thoughtful programming that prioritizes relationship building and giving practical yet inspiring insights, information and resources. We believe that “caring for the carers” is an important way to strengthen our communities and build resilience in an increasingly changing and challenging world.   

We hope that the feeling of Exchange is felt through the event – through reciprocity of relationship, care, knowledge and energy.   


Exchange has its roots in an event called the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition. In 2020, 2022, and 2023, IONS hosted virtual and in person events in partnership with United Way Halifax and the Bhayana Family Foundation. These events featured the Bhayana Family Foundation’s Invisible Champion Awards, a celebration with artists and performers, and the presentation of the official proclamation of the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition by the Nova Scotia Government. 

The Bhayana Family Foundation initiated the proclamation process in 2019 with United Way Halifax and IONS, and in 2020 the first Day of Recognition was proclaimed. The Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition continues to be an important day to celebrate the sector in Nova Scotia